All donations for this activity are welcome and will be transferred to RAST Treasurer!
The E2E EME DX-pedition is history!
The received QSL cards were handed over to the President of the Royal Amateur Society of Thailand, RAST, Mr. Pornchai Semjang (Joe), HS2JFW, in the presence of the President of the German Amateur Radio Club, Mr. Steffen Schöppe, DL7ATE, during a small celebration at the Thai Booth during the HAM Radio Fair 2013 in Friedrichshafen.
An article from the famous and independent German HAM-Radio Magazine FUNKAMATEUR will follow soon!
After 138 QSO`s via the moon the E2E-EME-activity ended on 25th april at 11:03UTC. The last QSO was done with HA0MK!!
After 5 days activity in the northeastern djungle of Thailand, OK17ux, we were proud about the result after the serious problems we had with our antennas and Preamps!!
Thanks again to all stations to your patience and fairness!! 73 de E2E!!!!
Just came back home and slept 2 days long, HI!!! Already received some direct QSL cards. Some with donations inside! Thank you very much! The QSL Card will be made fast and be shipped direct to all who gave donations or an IRC. All other cards will be sent via the German QSL Bureau!!
Here is the actual log with QSL Status:
Date UTC Call QSL Received Sent
21/04/2012 06:39 S52LM
22/04/2012 00:52 W5UN
22/04/2012 01:16 JR3REX X X
22/04/2012 01:24 JE1TNL X X
22/04/2012 02:08 W7MEM
22/04/2012 02:22 K7XQ
22/04/2012 03:56 RT4I X X
22/04/2012 06:31 OZ1LPR
22/04/2012 06:38 PE1L X X
22/04/2012 06:42 DF7KF
22/04/2012 06:46 DK3EE
22/04/2012 06:52 OK1RD X X
22/04/2012 07:02 DF2ZC X X
22/04/2012 07:06 DL9MS X X
22/04/2012 07:10 RU1AA X X
22/04/2012 07:14 DM1CG
22/04/2012 07:21 RX1AS
22/04/2012 07:28 OH7HXH X X
22/04/2012 07:37 UA3PTW X X
22/04/2012 07:42 LZ1DP
22/04/2012 07:48 OH4LA X X
22/04/2012 07:53 OH7PI X X
22/04/2012 08:01 IK7EZN
22/04/2012 08:05 HA6NQ
22/04/2012 08:11 EA2AGZ X X
22/04/2012 09:19 PA1BVM
22/04/2012 09:29 OK1CU
22/04/2012 09:42 PC5Q X X
22/04/2012 09:47 DK5LA X X
22/04/2012 09:52 LZ1ZX
22/04/2012 09:59 F6BKI
22/04/2012 10:03 I2RV X X
22/04/2012 10:08 DK1CO
22/04/2012 10:19 UR3UB X X
22/04/2012 10:27 DK3WG X X
22/04/2012 10:32 SM5CFS
22/04/2012 10:37 HAØHO
22/04/2012 10:50 SP4MPB X X
22/04/2012 10:57 DM2BHG X X
22/04/2012 11:05 OK1UGA X X
22/04/2012 11:13 SM7GVF
22/04/2012 11:13 YU7AA
22/04/2012 11:23 OZ4MM X X
22/04/2012 11:28 PAØJMV
22/04/2012 11:41 YU7XL
22/04/2012 11:45 SV8CS
22/04/2012 11:51 DL8GP X X
22/04/2012 12:02 DK5YA
23/04/2012 01:23 K7MAC
23/04/2012 01:48 N9XG X X
23/04/2012 02:37 UN9L X X
23/04/2012 03:48 VK4CDI X X
23/04/2012 04:17 RV3IG X X
23/04/2012 04:23 ES3RF
23/04/2012 04:31 UR5LX
23/04/2012 05:01 LZ2FO
23/04/2012 05:33 GM6VXB X X
23/04/2012 05:45 I2FAK
23/04/2012 06:17 PA2CHR
23/04/2012 06:22 SM5CUI X X
23/04/2012 06:33 DJ8MS
23/04/2012 06:39 DGØOPK X X
23/04/2012 06:43 DD7KE
23/04/2012 06:47 YU1EV
23/04/2012 06:53 OK1IL X X
23/04/2012 07:03 YU1IO
23/04/2012 07:36 OH2BC
23/04/2012 07:43 S57M
23/04/2012 07:51 UT6UG X X
23/04/2012 08:11 G4ZFJ
23/04/2012 08:34 DL7FF X X
23/04/2012 08:41 I1ANP X X
23/04/2012 08:50 DP5G
23/04/2012 09:42 RK9JR
23/04/2012 10:11 HB9Q
23/04/2012 10:22 UA4LCF
23/04/2012 10:31 UA4AQL X X
23/04/2012 10:46 HA8CE X X
23/04/2012 10:48 UT5UAS
23/04/2012 11:10 IW4ARD X X
23/04/2012 12:02 DK5EW X X
23/04/2012 12:04 I3MEK
24/04/2012 01:13 K5GW
24/04/2012 01:20 W7IUV
24/04/2012 01:57 K1JT
24/04/2012 02:40 JA5EEU X X
24/04/2012 02:42 W6BBS
24/04/2012 02:51 N6BBS
24/04/2012 03:13 UA4HTS X X
24/04/2012 03:38 W7GJ
24/04/2012 04:09 ES6RQ
24/04/2012 05:25 UXØFF X X
24/04/2012 06:15 DL2NUD
24/04/2012 06:22 OH6UW
24/04/2012 06:28 DJ4TC
24/04/2012 06:36 ON7EH X X
24/04/2012 06:45 YL2AJ
24/04/2012 07:33 PA3FPQ X X
24/04/2012 07:34 G8VYK X X
24/04/2012 07:40 DL8II
24/04/2012 07:44 DK2PH
24/04/2012 07:54 LZ1DX
24/04/2012 08:06 S52FO X X
24/04/2012 08:15 RN6DJ X X
24/04/2012 08:17 SM7FMX X X
24/04/2012 08:25 DJ3VI X X
24/04/2012 08:33 S54T
24/04/2012 08:46 DK1VI X X
24/04/2012 08:54 LZ2HM
24/04/2012 09:02 S53J
24/04/2012 09:06 F9HS
24/04/2012 09:09 IZ3KGJ
24/04/2012 09:16 YO5BIN
24/04/2012 09:28 ZS6OB X X
24/04/2012 09:36 F1AFJ X X
25/04/2012 02:47 KB8RQ
25/04/2012 03:21 K9MRI X X
25/04/2012 05:54 SP2FH lost X
25/04/2012 07:12 YO2LAM X X
25/04/2012 07:41 G4FUF X X
25/04/2012 07:58 G4YTL X X
25/04/2012 08:19 IK1UWL X X
25/04/2012 08:37 OE3FVU X X
25/04/2012 08:42 UX5UL X X
25/04/2012 08:49 F6CVY
25/04/2012 08:55 IZØFWE
25/04/2012 09:03 F8DO
25/04/2012 09:11 RW3WR X X
25/04/2012 09:32 S58M
25/04/2012 09:40 HAØDU X X
25/04/2012 09:43 F6APE
25/04/2012 09:49 DL4WO X X
25/04/2012 09:53 HAØHO
25/04/2012 10:14 OK1TEH
25/04/2012 10:17 JH8CMZ
25/04/2012 10:31 DK4TG X X
25/04/2012 10:40 RA6A
25/04/2012 11:03 HAØMK
Still missing some QSL`s for our expedition!!!!
You are interested in receiving one?????