My QTH in Thailand!!

Hi Lunatics,

Since March 2008 QRV via the moon from Thailand.

Please call me only if you hear me


QSL Information

I am receiving many QSL Cards and since last year i am also QRV on shortwave in FT8 Mode. The received paper QSL Cards increased and i decided to stop sending paper QSL`s via buro for "FT8 HF-QSO`s"!
Twice a week i am uploading my Log to LoTW, eQSL, Clublog and!

If you want to have confirmed Thailand with a paper QSL for some reasons, it would be only possible on the direct way from now on!
Please add 2$ in the envelope or send it via Paypal to

SASE are not requested!
Please no IRC because they are not accepted in my local Post-Office!!!

All QSO`s on VHF and up will be confirmed on the direct way after
i received your card !

An additional donation is up to you but not necessary!


On 10-30m band i am using a 40m long End-Fed antenna to direction NW and an Inverted-V Dipol for 40m!
Normaly my WSPR beacon is running with 200mW every night on 40 or 30m Band

 antenna to direction NW and an
News January 2020
: Since beginning of this year i am back on 144MHz EME! My friend Swen, HSØZFZ, helped me to change the elevation rotator and maintain my whole system. Thank you for it!!
Many new QSO`s were done the last days and i am happy to work a lot of new stations coming up since 2018!
This year i will be in Thailand until mid march. Then i will go on holiday to Europe until end of september.
See you on my screen

News March 2020: Since 19th march i am back in Germany for my yearly vacations.
I will be only QRV on local 2m/70cm Repeaters as DL2LAH.Perhaps later on also in digital voice on DMR/Brandmeister.
My QTH is in JO44RT, the beautiful city of Flensburg!
Planning to be back in Thailand end of the year. It will depend on the actual travel restrictions which will be in force then.

News November 2020: Already 9 months in Germany and my return to Thailand still not fullfilled due to very strict and also expensive guidelines to reenter the Kingdom. So i am profiting from medical rehabilitation and already feel as good as i did 20 years ago Maybe a good chance too!! Doing sports and playing with my DMR and analog VHF handheld rigs using my german callsign DL2LAH
I am planning to go back to Thailand in late spring 2021 no matter if there still will be restrictions! I`ll go and bring HSØZIL back on air

News December 2020: Due to unforseen circumstances my return to Thailand will be deleted until July 2021. If anybody needs a direct QSL, you can ship them with 2$ inside (or send with paypal) to my address in Germany (see DL2LAH on I will confirm any incoming QSL directly from Germany!! This procedure will last until mid June 2021! 73!!

News July 2021: PSE stop sending QSL`s to Germany!! More to follow soon!!

News August 2021: Since 2nd August i am back home in Thailand. After my 14day quarantine in a hotel in Bangkok I was driving back home with a rental car because still no domestic flights in Thailand. I am already QRV in HF and FT8 mode and will maintain my 2m EME system during the next weeks. So have a look in N0UK Chat or on this Website for actual informations!

News October 2021: After QRV on HF i was in a hurry to maintain my EME-station which was exposed 1 1/2 year to the wet and hot jungle clime. After fixed some problems with the mobility of the vertical control and the linear amplifier, the station was ready for the Russian 145 MHz EME Contest on 28/29. August. The only problem was, that i had to work without a Preamp because i dismantled the Preamp/Relay-Switch-Box before leaving Thailand in 2020. Since 6th September the station is ready for normal EME  Operation.
Due to much work in and around the house after my long absence and the beginning of the rice harvest season (QRN from machines on the rice fields)  i won`t be always in the shack for 2-way QSO`s via the moon. But most of the time during my visible moon my station is running automaticly in RX-Mode with MAP65 Version 3.0 and you can see how strong your signal in Thailand is, HI!! RX Modes are JT65b and Q65/61A.
Hope to see you soon on my screen


73 de Karsten, HS0ZIL

4x8 element I0JXX